Motion-drama about ones who wish something else and ones who do not wish anything else at all; familiar, freely autonomous ones and unfamiliar ones forced to imitate.

Duration: 16 minutes
Playwright-director: Veronika Karsai, Gergő Takács
Performed by the Mimage Pantomime Theatre and the New Generation Pantomime Company 

“Now the child is kind of a man living as a matter of courtesy. He is preparing for a negotiation. He does not like it. Never. Anything. He is not seen yet. Neither is his one-room lodging needing to be renovated but that is the scene. There is an entrance door to the right downstage; a bathroom next to it; a kitchen cupboard in the middle of the territory; there are used teabags left all over it; there is an armchair to the left and a fitted wardrobe upstage.
And mirrors. Plus deteriorated air… The child and his mirror image are approaching.”

First performance: 28 March 2010, Budapest, Merlin Theatre

Photo by Márton Borbás
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