As in the Movie...AS IN THE MOVIE

Duration: 2 x 40 minutes
Playwright-director: András J. Karsai
Director of art – co-director: Veronika Karsai
Performers: New Generation Pantomime Company, Eszter Hajós (guest performer), Veronika Karsai (guest performer)


Act One: As in the Movie…

These youngsters nowadays… Everything is always about the television. But how do they see the films, and what do they think about the world? This multiple-prize-won bunch of etudes is in fact the series of snapshots from the lives of teenagers. The following things happen to them (too): they see celebrities in their dreams, they begin to fear them, they escape from them, but the celebrities still stand at the back of them, they sink in their thoughts, but only ads come to their minds, then comes the rain…and life goes on.
Playwright-director: András J. Karsai – Veronika Karsai


Act Two: As in the Movie…
Pantomime-film in part

Movie from a teenager’s point of view: trailer, behind-the-scenes film, ad, a crumb of parody, and big questions. For instance, how Charlie’s Angels strike the traces of Belphegor and why he wants to kill the Diva…
Playwright-director: András J. Karsai


First performance: April 2001. Budapest, JAMK


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