It Is Also a DanceIT IS ALSO DANCE
Women figures in Heaven and earth

Duration: 20 minutes
Choreographer and performer: Veronika Karsai

This scene had been made for the occasion of the Let there be light… exhibition in Cyprus where the works of excellent Hungarian glass- and bronze sculptors were displayed. Veronika animated the items exhibited there through her pantomime scene, the theme of which was the woman as a being either earthly or divine. In her performance, there appears, among others, the first woman roaming the Garden of Eden, the statue of Eos who creates the winds and the stars, Daphne who would rather change into a laurel than be caught by Apollo, the virgin who is able to tame a unicorn, a geisha, or an angelic figure who, with her lyre-play unfolded by scores of movements, carries away the audience to another dimension. As if we were looking around in an exhibition, we are all absorbed in the magic; even an everyday woman can forget her monotonous life and realises that art and reality can be the same; dance can be the present, too…

First performance: March 2008. Limassol, Cyprus

The statues brought to life in the performance

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